Helping you plan your retirement.
Specializing in Small Businesses &
Personal Accounting
T r u s t e d . E x p e r i e n c e d. D e d i c a t e d
239 489 2607
"I am a retired building executive with over 35 years’ experience in the Home Building and Remodeling Business. There are thousands of builders and remodelers in Southwest Florida and it is important that my unique selling proposition and value-added services are communicated to potential clients.​ Jeff Schlesinger brings a world of experience to the team, taking the time to understand the product and services provided. He has the ability to pinpoint the correct target market positioning my company in the marketplace at large, utilizing a combination of traditional and digital marketing. Through my years with Jeff and AIM Marketing, he delivered well qualified clients allowing for a higher closing ratio than my competition.
Jeff also designed a highly successful program to stay in touch with previous clients that lead to an industry leading referral rate.​ I highly recommend Jeff Schlesinger and AIM Marketing."
- Tony Persichilli